bags and wallets
Carry bags, shoulder bags, tote bags, wallet, pursers and any other bags made of different materials such as cotton, polyester and nylon, leather, etc. Look here at some examples of products we made for others. You maybe have the idea of what you want but do not know how and where to make them, or have questions about the feasibility of your project. Ask us and submit your request.
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Nylon waistbag with adjustable strap.
Nylon waistbag with adjustable strap.
Nylon waistbag with adjustable strap.
Necessary purse
Nylon necessary purse with zip.
Necessary purse
Nylon necessary purse with zip.
Necessary Purse
Nylon necessary purse with zip.
Carry bag
Women carry bag with embroidery.
Tote Bag
Tote bag natural color with print.
Tote Bag
Tote bag natural color with print.
Tote bag
Cotton or canvas tote bag
Necessary Purse
Nylon necessary purse with zip.
Cycling and sport bottle bag.
Bottle bag
Cycling and sport bottle bag.
Bottle Bag
Cycling and sport bottle bag.
Bottle bag
Cycling and sport bottle bag.
Drawstring bag
drawstring backpack bag.
Drawstring bag
Drawstring backpack bag.
Leather wallet
leather or PU men's wallet
Leather wallet
Cards and coins Leather or PU wallet.
Leather wallet
leather or PU men's wallet
Leather wallet
leather or PU men's wallet, open.
Leather wallet
leather or PU men's wallet